Press Releases

Response to Democrats’ Attempt to Cancel Hearing on CFPB Discrimination and Retaliation

Washington, March 31, 2014 -

WASHINGTON - Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) and Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee Chairman Patrick McHenry (R-NC) delivered the following letter in response to an attempt by Democrats to cancel Wednesday’s hearing on allegations of discrimination and retaliation at the CFPB. To view the letter, click here.

The subcommittee is scheduled to hear from a CFPB whistleblower on Wednesday along with an independent investigator hired by the CFPB. Officials from the CFPB have also been invited by the subcommittee to testify at the hearing.

Chairman McHenry also issued the following statement about the attempt by Democrats to cancel the hearing:

"This attempt to silence and intimidate whistleblowers is disappointing. Discrimination and retaliation are unacceptable. We hope Democrats on the subcommittee will be respectful of the witnesses and give this hearing the attention it deserves.

"One of those witnesses, who was hired by the CFPB to investigate workplace issues at the CFPB, says she found a 'general environment...of exclusion, retaliation, discrimination, nepotism, demoralization, devaluation, and other offensive working conditions which constitute a toxic workplace for many of its employees.'

"It's extremely disturbing that Democrats and the CFPB want to sweep this under the rug."


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