Press Releases

Financial CHOICE Act Will ‘Turbocharge the American Economy’


Washington, June 28, 2016 -

15 national conservative organizations and prominent activists announced they “wholeheartedly endorse” the Financial CHOICE Act, saying the Republican plan to replace the failed Dodd-Frank Act will “turbocharge the American economy.”

“If we want the economy to improve — if we want to give all Americans the chance to prosper again — we need to put an end to Washington’s destructive regulatory agenda once and for all,” the conservative groups write in their endorsement letter.  “The Financial CHOICE Act aims to curb regulations to create opportunity and choice for investors, consumers, and entrepreneurs nationwide.”

The conservative organizations highlighted key features of the Financial CHOICE Act in their endorsement, noting the Republican plan will end taxpayer-funded bailouts for “too big to fail” banks, demand accountability from financial regulators, and “end the crony debit card price control scheme.”

“The Financial CHOICE Act will replace Dodd-Frank’s Orderly Liquidation Authority, which allows financial institutions to be bailed out at the taxpayers’ expense, with a newly updated subchapter of the bankruptcy code.”

“The Durbin Amendment imposed price controls and other mandates on debit card transaction fees with the false promise that billions would be passed on to consumers. Consumers have not received the promised discount. In fact, studies show that many consumers have lost access to free checking and debit card rewards as a result.”

“Housed at the Federal Reserve, the CFPB has the ability to put entire industries out of business with the snap of its fingers. Its unelected director can simply declare financial products "abusive" and outlaw them without Congressional approval. The Financial CHOICE Act will replace the single director with a bipartisan, five-member committee subject to congressional oversight and appropriations.”

“Dodd-Frank is a failure.  Democrats told us it would ‘promote financial stability,’ ‘end Too Big to Fail,’ and ‘lift the economy.’  But Dodd-Frank has done the exact opposite,” said House Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX).  “The Financial CHOICE Act offers economic growth for all and bank bailouts for none.  It’s the Republican plan to reignite growth by replacing Dodd-Frank with real reforms that work.”

To read the letter, click here.

To learn more about the Financial CHOICE Act, visit

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