Press Releases

Hensarling: Senators Should Look Out for Interests of Taxpayers and Confirm Scott Garrett


Washington, November 1, 2017 -

House Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) issued the following statement about today’s Senate committee hearing on the nomination of Scott Garrett to be President of the Export-Import Bank:

“The Export-Import Bank is a deeply troubled government agency connected to cases of fraud, bribery and abuse.  Scott Garrett is a true reformer who will steer the Bank in a much-needed new direction.  Instead of bowing down to pressure from inside-the-Beltway special interest groups, senators should be looking out for the interests of hardworking taxpayers.  President Trump was right to nominate Scott Garrett, a principled leader who will put an end to the Bank’s well-documented management failures.”

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