Press Releases

Hensarling Attends White House Signing Ceremony Overturning Harmful BCFP Action


Washington, May 21, 2018 -

House Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) issued the following statement upon attending a signing ceremony at the White House for S.J. Res. 57, which uses Congressional Review Authority (CRA) to repeal the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection’s (Bureau) controversial 2013 indirect auto lending guidance.

"Thanks to the hard work of Republicans in Congress, today is a good day for American consumers, who would have had to pay more for their auto loans under the Bureau's flawed guidance, and the rule of law.  Gone are the days of a rogue Bureau using its unchecked powers to sidestep due process and harm the very consumers it is charged with protecting. I look forward to continuing to work with President Trump, Acting Director Mulvaney, and my colleagues in Congress to ensure the Bureau, as well as all other federal regulatory agencies, are held accountable for their actions and act in a transparent manner."

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