Press Releases

Hensarling Applauds Kraninger Nomination


Washington, June 18, 2018 -

House Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) issued the following statement supporting the nomination of Kathy Kraninger to head the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (Bureau).

“The Bureau has an important mission to enforce consumer protection laws, and properly designed and led, it is capable of great good. We have seen some of that good under the leadership of Acting Director Mulvaney, and I have no doubt that will continue under the leadership of Kathy Kraninger. I am especially pleased that President Trump nominated an individual with management and budget experience—two qualities that are desperately needed at an agency which has been plagued with cost overruns and unnecessary spending and does not have a full-time and an independent Inspector General. I’m confident that, under Kathy’s leadership, gone are the days of wasting a more than $240 million of taxpayer money to renovate a building it doesn’t even own and paying staff to perform research that has nothing to do with the Bureau’s mission. I look forward to working with Kathy, the Trump Administration and House and Senate Democrats to reform the Bureau into a law enforcement agency that truly protects consumers and is accountable to the people’s elected representatives.”

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