In Case You Missed It

Waters, McHenry team up on insider trading bill
By: Zachary Warmbrodt, Politico


Washington, January 18, 2019 -

House Financial Services Chairwoman Maxine Waters is kicking off the committee's legislative agenda with an insider trading bill co-sponsored by the panel's top Republican, Rep. Patrick McHenry.

The pair reintroduced the legislation as they try to strike a more collaborative tone than was seen at the committee over the last several years.

"I am happy to work with Ranking Member McHenry on the first of what I hope will be many bipartisan bills to strengthen consumer and investor protections in the 116th Congress," Waters said in a statement.

The legislation, which the House passed last year as part of a broader capital markets bill, would require the SEC to consider bolstering insider trading rules.

"Cracking down on fraud and abuse within our financial system is apolitical," McHenry said. "I am glad to join Chairwoman Waters in this meaningful effort to help the SEC better understand illicit insider trading."

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