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GOP Urges Maxine Waters to Examine Brexit, Fannie-Freddie
By: Elizabeth Dexheimer, Bloomberg


Washington, January 23, 2019 -

The top Republican on the House Financial Services Committee wants the panel’s Democratic chair, Maxine Waters of California, to consider holding hearings on issues including Brexit, overhauling Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and cybersecurity.

Patrick McHenry, the ranking member of the panel, sent a letter to Waters Tuesday outlining his recommendations on issues Republicans would like to see the committee consider. Waters has previously pledged to work with GOP lawmakers to find areas of agreement.

Here are some of the issues McHenry flagged for potential hearings:

  • Brexit and its impact on the U.S. economy and international financial system, including its potential systemic risks.
  • Cybersecurity and how prepared U.S. financial companies are for a potential attack
  • Re-examining anti-money laundering rules.
  • The Federal Reserve’s balance sheet and "potential strategies for unwinding crisis-era asset purchases."
  • How to fix Fannie and Freddie, the mortgage-finance giants that have been under government control for a decade.

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