Press Releases

McHenry Statement on OCC Proposed Rule to Ensure Fair Access to Financial Services

Washington, November 20, 2020 -

Today, the Republican leader of the House Financial Services Committee, Patrick McHenry (NC-10), issued the following statement in response to the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency’s (OCC) proposed rule to ensure fair access to financial services for lawful businesses:

“No lawful company should be denied a bank loan just because Democrats rely on naming and shaming to achieve their partisan goals. I’m glad to see the OCC put down a marker to ensure lawful companies cannot be shut out of the financial system simply because of the nature of their business. Now more than ever, job creators of all sizes need to be able to work closely with their banking partners to ensure their businesses can survive and recover from this economic disruption. I thank Acting Comptroller Brooks for his continued work to improve bank supervision.”


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