Press Releases

McHenry Issues Statement on Biden Decision to Extend Unconstitutional Eviction Moratorium

Washington, August 3, 2021 -

Today, the top Republican on the House Financial Services Committee, Patrick McHenry (NC-10), issued the following statement on President Biden’s decision to extend the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) eviction moratorium, which the Supreme Court found unconstitutional, instead of fixing his mismanagement of the rental assistance programs:

“The courts made clear the CDC lacks the authority to extend the eviction moratorium. Even President Biden admitted this fact,” said Republican Leader McHenry. “Now the Administration is attempting to skirt the judicial branch with this half-baked idea that does nothing to actually help renters.

“Democrats have no real plan to fix this problem, which Republicans have been sounding the alarm on for months. Instead of continuing to kick the can down the road, we should address this avoidable crisis once and for all by fixing the Biden Administration's absolute failure to administer the ERA programs. Republicans have been offering real solutions to pay off the back rent of struggling tenants across the country. What have Democrats offered? Nothing but a political stunt that does more to placate their radical base than get relief to renters and landlords.”


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