Press Releases

McHenry on Democrats’ Emergency Rental Assistance Bill: This Will Make Things Worse, Not Better

Washington, September 14, 2021 -

Today, the House Committee on Financial Services continued its markup by considering Democrats’ partisan Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA) reform legislation. Instead of expediting payments from the ERA programs, Committee Democrats’ bill would slow the pace of much needed relief for renters and property owners.

Republican Leader Patrick McHenry (NC-10) offered an amendment to replace Democrats’ unworkable bill with the simple solution Republicans have been pushing for months—H.R. 3913, the Renter Protection Act—to fix the ERA programs, make mom-and-pop property owners whole, and remove the threat of eviction for millions of American renters.

Watch Republican Leader McHenry’s remarks in support of his amendment here.

Read excerpts from Republican Leader McHenry’s remarks as delivered:

“Unfortunately, the text of the bill offered today will make things worse, not better, for a program that is not doing well—failing the very people we intend to help. It will not speed up the amount of rental assistance that’s going out the door.

“The underlying bill will discourage property owners from participating. I didn’t think things could get worse, but the revised text posted on Sunday afternoon and then the revisions today, propose even more red tape and bureaucracy and it’s going to take months to navigate. It’s going to make things worse, not better.

“I can’t think of a worse piece of legislation for mom-and-pop property owners that provide half of the rental properties in the country.

“My amendment will simplify all of this. It strikes the text of this legislation and inserts the updated Republicans’ Renter Protection Act in its stead.

“My amendment will fix the ERA programs to pay off rent debts from COVID and keep millions of Americans in their homes. It would:

“Simplify and expedite the delivery of rental assistance by combining the two renter assistance programs, helping the state and local grantees on the front lines.

“It will end the threat of eviction for renters by fully paying off their debts.

“It targets assistance to the households that have the highest need, so the lowest-income individuals get help first.

“It incentivizes, rather than drive away, property owners to participate in the program, so that small mom and pop property owners across the country won’t be forced to sell their homes.

“And finally, it would add necessary oversight and safeguards to prevent fraud, protecting taxpayers. 

“So, instead of playing politics, we have an opportunity to pass legislation that could actually become law.


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