Press Releases

McHenry Statement on Nomination of Raskin as Vice Chair for Supervision at the Fed

Washington, January 14, 2022 -

Today, the top Republican on the House Financial Services Committee, Patrick McHenry (NC-10), released the following statement regarding President Biden’s intention to nominate Sarah Bloom Raskin as Vice Chair for Supervision at the Federal Reserve:

“Former Fed Governor Raskin has a long history of distinguished government service,” said Republican Leader McHenry. “I encourage her to maintain the apolitical posture of previous Vice Chairs for Supervision, and to focus on the supervisory role while leaving social and fiscal policy making to Congress. Additionally, all of President Biden’s appointees to the Federal Reserve Board must adhere to its norms and precedents to maintain the impartiality and independence of our central bank. If confirmed, I urge former Governor Raskin to fulfill her core role as Vice Chair for Supervision—protecting the strength of our financial system, while promoting innovative solutions to address the many challenges facing our economic recovery.”


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