Press Releases

McHenry Statement in Response to Biden’s State of the Union Address

Washington, March 1, 2022 -

Today, the top Republican on the House Financial Services Committee, Patrick McHenry (NC-10), issued the following statement in response to President Biden’s State of the Union address:

“Tonight, President Biden had the opportunity to address his Administration’s failures and offer solutions for the problems his policies created,” said Republican Leader McHenry. “Rather than offering a viable plan to fix our supply chains, bring down consumer prices, or get Americans back to work—we listened to him double down on the same old failed progressive policies. 

“The so-called solutions that President Biden laid out tonight are more of the same bad or reactionary policies we’ve seen since his Administration began. Tonight’s address itself was the perfect encapsulation of this. For months now, parents and small businesses around the country have demanded we move past COVID restrictions and mandates so that our lives and the lives of our kids could get back to normal. But in the Democrat-led House, it was only in advance of tonight’s address and in response to unfavorable polling that the rules were changed. 

“They want the American people to believe that things are back to normal and are heading in the right direction. However, all it takes is for an American to fill up their gas tank or head to the grocery store to know this is not the case. We need real solutions, instead we got political theater and another laundry list of progressive policies that will only make our problems worse.


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