Press Releases

McHenry, Hill Urge Speaker Pelosi to Bring Clean Flood Reauthorization Bill to Floor

Washington, September 8, 2022 -

House Financial Services Committee Republican Leader Patrick McHenry (NC-10) and Rep. French Hill (AR-02), Ranking Member of the Housing, Community Development, and Insurance Subcommittee on the House Financial Services Committee, sent a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (CA-12) requesting H.R. 8036, the National Flood Insurance Program Extension Act of 2022, be brought to the House Floor for a vote in September.

In the letter, McHenry and Hill write, “Since Congress passed the last full five-year reauthorization of the NFIP in 2012, the program has been extended on a short-term basis 21 separate times. These short-term extensions have all bypassed regular order, with nearly each one enacted as part of the annual appropriations process with little input from the Committee on Financial Services. Subjecting the NFIP’s authorization to the timelines and whims of the appropriations process creates needless uncertainty for policyholders that the program could once again lapse.”

They continued, “Preventing a lapse in the NFIP’s authorization is a goal we all should share. That’s why we urge you to call up and pass H.R. 8036 when the House returns into session this September. Doing so would both give NFIP policyholders the certainty they deserve, as well place the Committee back in uninterrupted control of the program so that it can complete work on a full five-year reauthorization in the next Congress.”

Further Background:

Republican Leaders McHenry and Hill, along with 16 other Republican members of the Financial Services Committee introduced H.R. 8036 on June 13, 2022. The bill simply extends the NFIP on a stand-alone basis to December 31, 2023.


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