Press Releases

McHenry Statement on Passage of Limit, Save, Grow Act

Washington, April 26, 2023 -

Today, the Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, Patrick McHenry (NC-10), issued the following statement after House Republicans passed the Limit, Save, Grow Act to responsibly raise the debt ceiling while limiting federal spending, saving taxpayer money, and growing the economy.
“It’s critical that we raise the debt ceiling with as little brinksmanship as possible,” said Chairman McHenry. “Unfortunately, President Biden and Congressional Democrats continue to play political games at the expense of the American people. Like Nancy Pelosi and then-Vice President Biden before him, Speaker McCarthy is pushing to use the debt limit as a time to take stock of government spending, which has been too high for too long. Speaker McCarthy has united House Republicans around a plan to responsibly raise the debt limit, while limiting government spending, saving taxpayer money, and growing our economy. It’s time for President Biden to put partisanship aside and come to the table to negotiate with Republicans to avoid default and get America’s fiscal house in order.”

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