Press Releases

Huizenga Delivers Remarks at Hearing to Get Answers from the Biden Administration on the Iranian Regime’s Support for Terrorism

Washington, December 13, 2023 -

Today, the House Financial Services Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, led by Chairman Bill Huizenga (MI-04), is holding a hearing entitled “Moving the Money Part 2: Getting Answers from the Biden Administration on the Iranian Regime’s Support for Terrorism.”
Watch Chairman Huizenga’s opening remarks here.
Read Chairman Huizenga’s opening remarks as prepared for delivery:
“Assistant Secretary Rosenberg, Deputy Special Envoy Paley, thank you for appearing before our subcommittee this morning; your testimony is significant as our subcommittee continues to investigate how the Iranian regime accesses money around the world due to relaxed sanction enforcement and waivers.
“Additionally, we hope that you can shed light on why a new waiver was necessary for Iraqi electricity and how the Biden Administration monitors compliance of sanctions around the world.
“As I said during our last hearing, I don’t believe this topic should be partisan. However, I do believe in accountability. It is vital that our oversight work is informed with the collaboration and testimony directly from agencies in an open and transparent setting, not behind closed doors. So again, thank you for your willingness to testify.
“As we documented in our previous hearing, Iran continues to be the leading state sponsor of terrorism, facilitating a wide range of attacks and other illicit activities around the globe.
“October’s attack on our ally Israel is a stark reminder that in order to prevent further atrocities, we must increase, not relax pressure on the Iranian regime.
“Iran sanctions have been a significant component of U.S. policy since Iran’s 1979 Islamic Revolution. And history tells us–they work. For example, the previous Administration’s maximum pressure campaign cut oil exports from Iran, significantly reducing Tehran’s ability to fund attacks against Americans and our allies.
“In contrast, the current Administration has adopted a different strategy. This past September, as part of a deal with the Iranian regime to get American hostages, President Biden waived U.S. sanctions to allow for the transfer of 6 billion dollars in Iranian funds from accounts in South Korea to Qatar.
“While the funds were to only be used for humanitarian purposes, such as food and medicine, we know from reports that the Iranian regime has ways around that, regardless of what restrictions are placed on these transferred funds, Iranian officials have signaled that this money is fungible, which was confirmed by Iran’s President, Ebrahim Raisi, who stated ‘This money belongs to the Iranian people, the Iranian government, so the Islamic Republic of Iran will decide what to do with this money.’ Believing that the money will go to benefit Iranian citizens is naive at best.
“My colleagues on the other side of the aisle will attempt to dismiss the significance of these waivers, assuring us that Iran will not gain access to these transferred funds. The reality is, they likely will, if they haven’t already. 
“My colleagues will use this opportunity to point fingers at the past administration–instead of acknowledging that under this President, Iran has gained ground and grown their influence.
“The American people expect their representatives in Washington to stand up to those who wish us harm. As we speak, Iran and its proxies continue to attack American troops and our allies with little if any accountability or response from this Administration. As Chair of this Subcommittee, I intend to use Congress’ oversight authority to hold our government and the Biden Administration accountable. The status quo is unacceptable.
“I look forward to having an open and honest dialogue this morning and I yield back the balance of my time.”

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