Press Releases

McHenry Statement on Topline Spending Agreement
Topline deal reinforces historic spending cuts in the Fiscal Responsibility Act

Washington, January 7, 2024 -

Today, the Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, Patrick McHenry (NC-10), issued the following statement after House and Senate leadership announced an agreement on topline spending levels for Fiscal Year 2024 appropriations. The agreement reinforces the historic spending cuts and regulatory changes from the Fiscal Responsibility Act, which Chairman McHenry and Congressman Garret Graves (LA-06) negotiated with the While House in May.
“The House-Senate spending agreement announced today fulfills the Fiscal Responsibility Act from May, which I was honored to work on with Congressman Garret Graves under the leadership of former Speaker McCarthy,” said Chairman McHenry. “This deal cements the historic spending cuts and critical regulatory changes that will help unleash economic growth, while using agreed upon second year pay-fors this fiscal year. Two-thirds of both parties in the House supported the Fiscal Responsibility Act. This deal, which adheres to that framework, deserves equally as robust support. I applaud Speaker Johnson’s leadership in maintaining savings negotiated in the debt ceiling agreement and working to avoid a government shutdown.”

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