Press Releases

House Passes Bills Honoring America’s Working Dogs, Congressional Gold Medal Recipient on the House Floor

Washington, May 21, 2024 - Today, the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 807, the “Working Dog Commemorative Coin Act,” and H.R 1097, the “Everett Alvarez, Jr. Congressional Gold Medal Act of 2023.” H.R. 807 honors the working dogs who protect Americans at home and abroad and the extraordinary people that benefit from their service by directing the U.S. Treasury to mint and issue coins in commemoration of the service that these dogs provide to society. H.R. 1097 awards the Congressional Gold Medal to Everett Alvarez, Jr. for his heroic actions as a POW during the Vietnam War.

Watch Chairman Patrick McHenry’s (NC-10) remarks in support of H.R. 807 
here or by clicking on the image above.

Read key excerpts below:

“[Working dogs] are so embedded in our daily lives here on Capitol Hill, we often pass them by without noticing. But since I introduced this bill in the last Congress, it is as if I see working dogs everywhere I go. I’m thankful to have gained this new appreciation.

“This is more than just a coin bill, it’s a bill about improving the quality of life for our wounded veterans and first responders—something we all can get behind.”

Watch Chairman McHenry’s remarks in support of H.R. 1097 here.

Read key excerpts below:

“Despite being beaten and tortured for information about U.S. military operations, Commander Alvarez refused to comply, saying he wanted to be able to look in the mirror and not feel ashamed. Even when his North Vietnamese captors no longer felt Alvarez held military intelligence value, they continued to brutalize him in attempts to extract propaganda messages.  He did not cave.

“Today at age 86, I believe that when Commander Everett Alvarez, Jr. looks in the mirror he sees only honor in his reflection.”


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