Markup of H.R. 910, the “Fair Access to Investment Research Act of 2017”; H.R. 1219, the “Supporting America’s Innovators Act of 2017”; H.R. 1257, the “Securities and Exchange Commission Overpayment Credit Act”; H.R. 1366, the “US Territories Investor Protection Act of 2017”; H.R. 1343, the “Encouraging Employee Ownership Act of 2017”; and H.R. 1312, the “Small Business Capital Formation Enhancement Act”
Thursday, March 9, 2017 1:30 PM in 2128 Rayburn HOB Full Committee
The Committee on Financial Services met in open session to consider, in an order to be determined by the Chairman, the following measures:
H.R. 1219, the “Supporting America’s Innovators Act of 2017” was AGREED TO by a recorded vote of 54 ayes and 2 nays (FC-31).
H.R. 910, the “Fair Access to Investment Research Act of 2017” was AGREED TO, as amended, by a recorded vote of 56 ayes and 2 nays (FC-32).
An amendment offered by Mr. Hill, no. 1, was AGREED TO by a voice vote.
H.R. 1312, the “Small Business Capital Formation Enhancement Act” was AGREED TO, as amended, by a recorded vote of 58 ayes and 0 nays (FC-33).
An amendment offered by Mr. Poliquin, no. 1, was AGREED TO by a voice vote.
H.R. 1366, the “US Territories Investor Protection Act of 2017” was AGREED TO by a recorded vote of 58 ayes and 0 nays (FC-34).
H.R. 1257, the “Securities and Exchange Commission Overpayment Credit Act” was AGREED TO, as amended, by a recorded vote of 59 ayes and 0 nays (FC-35).
An amendment offered by Mr. Meeks, no. 1, was AGREED TO by a voice vote.
H.R. 1343, the “Encouraging Employee Ownership Act of 2017” was AGREED TO by a recorded vote of 48 ayes and 11 nays (FC-36).
A resolution offered by Ms. Waters to reassign certain Democrat members of the Committee to subcommittees of the Committee was AGREED to by unanimous consent.