H.R. 4768, the “National Strategy for Combating the Financing of Transnational Criminal Organizations Act” was AGREED TO, as amended, by a recorded vote of 53 ayes and 0 nays (FC-136).
An amendment offered by Ms. Waters, no. 1, was AGREED TO by a voice vote.
An amendment offered by Mr. Kustoff, no. 2, was AGREED TO by a voice vote.
An amendment offered by Mr. Perlmutter, no. 3, was WITHDRAWN.
H.R. 1264, the “Community Financial Institution Exemption Act” was AGREED TO, as amended, by a recorded vote of 30 ayes and 25 nays (FC-137).
An amendment in the nature of a substitute offered by Mr. Williams, no. 1, was AGREED TO by a voice vote.
H.R. 1426, the “Federal Savings Association Charter Flexibility Act of 2017” was AGREED TO by a recorded vote of 55 ayes and 0 nays (FC-138).
H.R. 2255, the “Housing Opportunities Made Easier Act” was AGREED TO by a recorded vote of 55 ayes and 0 nays (FC-139).
H.R. 2226, the “Portfolio Lending and Mortgage Access Act” was AGREED TO, as amended, by a recorded vote of 55 ayes and 0 nays (FC-140).
An amendment in the nature of a substitute offered by Mr. Barr, no. 1, was AGREED TO, as amended, by a voice vote.
An amendment to the amendment in the nature of a substitute offered by Mr. Capuano, no. 1a, was AGREED TO, as amended by unanimous consent, by a voice vote.
H.R. 3746, the “Business of Insurance Regulatory Reform Act of 2017” was AGREED TO by a recorded vote of 37 ayes and 18 nays (FC-141).
H.R. 4607, the “Comprehensive Regulatory Review Act” was AGREED TO by a recorded vote of 38 ayes and 17 nays (FC-142).
H.R. 4725, the “Community Bank Reporting Relief Act” was AGREED TO by a recorded vote of 55 ayes and 0 nays (FC-143).
H.R. 4771, the “Small Bank Holding Company Relief Act of 2018” was AGREED TO by a recorded vote of 41 ayes and 14 nays (FC-144).
H.R. 2319, the “Consumer Financial Choice and Capital Markets Protection Act of 2017” was AGREED TO, as amended, by a recorded vote of 34 ayes and 21 nays (FC-145).
An amendment in the nature of a substitute offered by Mr. Rothfus, no. 1, was AGREED TO by a voice vote.
H.R. 4061, the “Financial Stability Oversight Council Improvement Act of 2017” was AGREED TO by a recorded vote of 45 ayes and 10 nays (FC-146).
H.R. 4566, the “Alleviating Stress Test Burdens to Help Investors Act” was AGREED TO, as amended, by a recorded vote of 47 ayes and 8 nays (FC-147).
An amendment in the nature of a substitute offered by Mr. Poliquin, no. 1, was AGREED TO by a voice vote.
An amendment to the amendment in the nature of a substitute offered by Mrs. Maloney, no. 1a, was AGREED TO by a voice vote.
H.R. 4738, the “Mutual Fund Litigation Reform Act” was AGREED TO by a recorded vote of 31 ayes and 25 nays (FC-148).
H.R. 4785, the “American Customer Information Protection Act” was AGREED TO by a recorded vote of 31 ayes and 25 nays (FC-149).
H.R. 4792, the “Small Business Access to Capital After a Natural Disaster Act” was AGREED TO by a recorded vote of 57 ayes and 0 nays (FC-150).