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  • Egregious Ex-Im Bank Deal of the Day
    Jul 11, 2014 - Hardworking American taxpayers, who are paying more for gas (“Gasoline prices at six-year high – AAA”) and “more for almost everything this year” (CNBC), might be wondering why President Obama refuses to approve the Keystone Pipeline but is using their tax dollars to finance foreign corporate welfa... More
  • FSC Majority | Week in Review
    Jul 11, 2014 - Committee Seeks Accountability and Transparency at the Federal Reserve On Thursday, the Financial Services Committee held a hearing to examine H.R. 5018, the Federal Reserve Accountability and Transparency Act. The proposal is the first piece of legislation to arise from the Committee’s Federal Rese... More
  • 7/7/2014 Weekly Rundown
    Jul 7, 2014 - The House is in session Tuesday through Friday this week. On Thursday at 10:00 a.m. the full committee will hold a hearing on legislation to reform the Federal Reserve on its 100-year anniversary. Be sure to check back here on the Bottom Line Blog -- and sign up for our email updates -- for addition... More
  • 5 Things to Know About the Export-Import Bank
    Jul 1, 2014 - 1. The Ex-Im Bank doesn’t create jobs. Government export finance assistance programs like Ex-Im “largely shift production among sectors within the economy rather than raise the overall level of employment in the economy.” - Government Accountability Office, “Export-Import Bank: Key Factors in Consid... More
  • Media Buzz: Committee Examines Export-Import Bank at Critical Hearing
    Jun 27, 2014 - WASHINGTON -- The House Financial Services Committee on Wednesday held an in-depth, day-long hearing focused on the Export-Import Bank. The Washington Post - Fred Hochberg, chairman of the “embattled” Export-Import Bank, “refused to answer repeated questions” about whether he was aware of a criminal... More
  • FSC Majority | Week in Review
    Jun 27, 2014 - In the News | The Committee on Financial Services Committee Seeks Openness and Transparency at FSOC On Tuesday, the full committee held an oversight hearing with Treasury Secretary Lew on the activities of the Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC). Under questioning from Chairman Jeb Hensarl... More
  • ICYMI: Grounding the ‘Bank of Boeing’
    Jun 26, 2014 - June 26, 2014 By Charles Lane Of all the purposes for which you might put U.S. taxpayer dollars at risk, helping wealthy petro-states borrow millions to buy Boeing jets would not rank among the most urgent. Yet that is what the Export-Import Bank does: In fiscal 2013, Ex-Im backed$8.3 billion in ai... More
  • 6/23/2014 Weekly Rundown
    Jun 23, 2014 - The Financial Services Committee will hold the following hearings this week: Tuesday, June 24 at 10 a.m. – The Committee will hear from Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew on the Annual Report of the Financial Stability Oversight Council. Wednesday, June 25 at 10 a.m. – The Committee will hold a hearing en... More
  • FSC Majority | Week in Review
    Jun 20, 2014 - Committee Seeks Accountability at the CFPB On Tuesday, the full committee held a hearing with Director Richard Cordray to receive the fifth Semi-Annual Report of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. "Since Director Cordray last appeared before our committee in January, we have learned much. Fir... More
  • Committee Holding 2 Hearings on CFPB Tomorrow
    Jun 17, 2014 - Note: The Financial Services Committee will hold two hearings about the CFPB on Wednesday, June 18. At 10 a.m., the full committee will hear from CFPB Director Richard Cordray. At 2 p.m., the Financial Services Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee will hear from CFPB whistleblowers during its t... More