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  • Weekly Rundown
    Oct 28, 2013 - The House is in session Monday through Wednesday this week and will consider two Financial Services bills. Additionally, the committee will hold two hearings. Be sure to check back here on the Bottom Line Blog -- and sign up for our email updates -- for more information throughout the week. Here's w... More
  • Chairman Hensarling on Fox Business: "A Broke FHA Does No One Any Good"
    Oct 28, 2013 - Chairman Hensarling appeared on Fox Business Network earlier today to discuss tomorrow's Full Committee hearing on the $1.7 billion taxpayer-funded bailout the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) received at the end of September. Hensarling on FHA's current condition: "Well as you probably know, FH... More
  • Sunday Video Message | Rep. Ann Wagner
    Oct 27, 2013 - Congresswoman Ann Wagner (Twitter | Facebook) delivers this week's Sunday Video Message on her legislation -- H.R. 2374, the Retail Investor Protection Act. H.R. 2374 will be considered on the House floor this week. More
  • Who Protects Consumers from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau?
    Oct 24, 2013 - Update 11/18/13: The full committee will consider six bills to reform the CFPB on Wednesday. Next week the Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit Subcommittee will hold a hearing to discuss legislative proposals to bring more accountability, reform and transparency to the Consumer Financial Prot... More
  • Weekend Must Reads
    Oct 19, 2013 - Forbes | Dodd-Frank’s Costs Will Be Paid For By Low-Income Bank Customers A whole segment of society is losing access to mainstream banking that allows them to safely save and invest for the future. They are being pushed into nontraditional financial arrangements not by choice, but because of Dodd-... More
  • Sunday Video Message | Rep. Randy Hultgren
    Sep 29, 2013 - Congressman Randy Hultgren (Twitter | Facebook) delivers this week's Sunday Video Message on his legislation -- H.R. 992, the Swaps Regulatory Improvement Act. H.R. 992 will be considered on the House floor this week. More
  • Weekend Must Reads
    Sep 28, 2013 - Mercatus | The Myth of Deregulation and the Financial Crisis Did “deregulation” cause the financial crisis? Our conclusion was that there was no measurable, net deregulation leading up to the financial crisis. Omaha World-Herald | Mortgage lending at risk if rules not delayed, banker says Without a ... More
  • Media Buzz: The FHA Bailout of 2013
    Sep 26, 2013 - Update: Chairman Hensarling Comments on Obama Administration’s Confirmation of $1.7 Billion Taxpayer-Funded Bailout for FHA Back in February, Chairman Hensarling cautioned that: "If the FHA were a private financial institution, likely somebody would be fired, somebody would be fined, or the institut... More
  • Regulation – Not Lack Thereof – Led U.S. into Financial Crisis
    Sep 24, 2013 - Chairman Hensarling Op-Ed | September 24, 2013 Pundits and politicians, including President Obama, used the recent anniversary of the Lehman Brothers collapse to once again blame a lack of government regulations for causing the financial crisis. The great tragedy of the financial crisis, however, w... More
  • Sunday Video Message | Rep. Bill Huizenga
    Sep 22, 2013 - Monetary Policy & Trade Subcommittee Vice Chairman Bill Huizenga (Twitter | Facebook) delivers this week's Sunday Video Message on the five year anniversary of the financial crisis. More