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  • Dodd-Frank Rules Will Crush Employment
    Dec 13, 2011 - By Paul Sperry, for Investor’s Business Daily Job-killing bank regulations threaten to wipe out all the gains in private-sector employment since the recovery began, the industry warns. Washington, however, is hiring thousands more bureaucrats to ... More
  • Committee Visits ‘City of the Big Shoulders’ to Hear Concerns About Big Government Regulations
    Dec 5, 2011 - The Committee on Financial Services held a field hearing on “Regulatory Reform: Examining How New Regulations are Impacting Financial Institutions, Small Businesses and Consumers in Illinois” earlier today. At this hearing, representatives from community financial institutions and small businesses e... More
  • Economic Indicators as of November 17
    Nov 17, 2011 - INFLATION JOBS CPI Index Inflation Monthly -0.1 (October) Inflation Annual +3.5% (October) Unemployment Rate (monthly) 9.0% (October) Jobless Claims (monthly) 406,000 (October 29) Personal Income (monthly) 0.1% (September) Job Growth (monthly) +80,000 (October) GDP and DEBT OTHER Real GDP (updated ... More
  • Is Regulatory Uncertainty Hurting Job Creation?
    Oct 27, 2011 - With 14 million Americans out of work and the Obama Administration issuing regulations at a rate of one new rule every 2 hours and 20 minutes, it’s a question that must be asked. For the Obama Administration, the answer to the question is a resounding “No!” Dr. Jan Eberly, Assistant Secretary for Ec... More
  • More Calls for a Commission, Not a Director, at the CFPB
    Oct 21, 2011 - The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau would be strengthened – not weakened – if its leadership structure were changed to a bipartisan commission, argues Roland E. Brandel in the American Banker. Calling the vesting of the bureau’s enormous power in a single person a “serious flaw,” the highly acc... More
  • On The Record: Community Bankers Speak Out On the Impact of Dodd-Frank Regulations
    Oct 17, 2011 - Obama Administration officials are frantically trying to convince the public that the 400 new regulations tucked inside the 2,300-page Dodd-Frank Act are having absolutely no impact on small town and mid-sized banks. None. Whatsoever. So just move on, OK? Nothing to see here. But, what are community... More
  • Secretary Geithner: Regulations Will ‘Raise Costs of Business’ but that is ‘the Necessary Outcome’
    Oct 12, 2011 - Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner offered a revealing insight into the Obama Administration’s attitude about regulations on Thursday when he testified before the Financial Services Committee. After Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee Chairman Randy Neugebauer told the Secretary he is worried... More
  • Local Newspaper Stories Underscore Growing Concerns About Impact Of Dodd-Frank Act On Jobs, Economy
    Sep 26, 2011 - Outside Washington, D.C., there is growing concern about the regulatory burden imposed by the Dodd-Frank Act and the harmful effect it will have on jobs. Cynthia Richards, New Mexico’s Financial Institutions Division director, tells the Albuquerque Journal that the Dodd-Frank Act is “onerous,” “cost... More
  • The Dodd-Frank Act: Ill Conceived, Destined to Fail
    Sep 23, 2011 - Today’s American Banker includes a dead-on piece about how the Dodd-Frank Act, with its 2,300 pages and more than 400 regulations, is “regulatory overkill” with unintended consequences that hurt consumers and the economy. “It's a fool's mission for our government to try to micro-manage our financial... More
  • Senate Should Follow House’s Lead on Terminating Failed Program
    Sep 22, 2011 - The Washington Post reports today on another failure of one of the Obama Administration’s foreclosure mitigation programs. In an article headlined “HUD program to help struggling homeowners falling short,” the Post notes this is “the latest in a series of efforts that has left funds allocated by Con... More