News List

  • Subcommittee Discusses Defense Production Act Reauthorization
    May 8, 2013 - The House Financial Services Committee’s Monetary Policy and Trade Subcommittee heard testimony today on the importance of reauthorizing the Defense Production Act (DPA). The DPA was enacted at the outset of the Korean War to ensure the nation’s industrial resources would be available to meet the na... More
  • Subcommittee Examines U.S. Role in the International Monetary Fund
    Apr 24, 2013 - The House Financial Services Subcommittee on Monetary Policy and Trade today examined the U.S. role in the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Obama Administration’s request that Congress approve a larger U.S. quota contribution to the international organization. In 2010, the IMF’s Board of G... More
  • Subcommittees Hear From Experts on Harmful Consequences of QE and the GSEs
    Mar 8, 2013 - “We talked about cash on balance sheets not deployed…People just sitting on cash because interest rates are too low and returns are too low now, but they think that they will go up in the future. So, everyone just sits until the Fed takes action. Rather than trying to read the market, they are tryi... More
  • Bernanke Forced to Defend Fed's 'Easy-Money' Monetary Policy
    Mar 1, 2013 - "I believe… the economic challenges of our nation are fiscal in nature, not monetary. They cannot be solved by the Fed." – Chairman Jeb Hensarling "There seems to be…a lot of evidence out there that the benefits of the low interest rate and quantitative easing are accruing primarily to the federal g... More
  • Chairman Hensarling's Opening Statement at Today's Hearing with Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke
    Feb 27, 2013 - House Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) delivered the following opening statement at today’s full committee hearing with Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke. "We are clearly in the midst of the slowest and weakest recovery in the post-war era, notwithstanding what we have... More
  • Financial Services Committee to Receive Fed Chairman’s Monetary Policy Report
    Feb 20, 2013 - Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling announced today that Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke will appear before the committee on February 27 at 10 a.m. to deliver the semiannual Monetary Policy Report to Congress. Chairman Hensarling said, “The Federal Reserve’s concerns about the... More